****** Events ****** The websocket endpoint of BitShares has notifications that are subscribed to and dispatched by ``dexbot``. This uses python's native ``Events``. The following events are available in your strategies and depend on the configuration of your bot/strategy: * ``onOrderMatched``: Called when orders in your market are matched * ``onOrderPlaced``: Called when a new order in your market is placed * ``onUpdateCallOrder``: Called if one of the assets in your market is a market-pegged asset and someone updates his call position * ``onMarketUpdate``: Called whenever something happens in your market (includes matched orders, placed orders and call order updates!) * ``ontick``: Called when a new block is received * ``onAccount``: Called when your account's statistics is updated (changes to ``2.6.xxxx`` with ``xxxx`` being your account id number) * ``error_ontick``: Is called when an error happend when processing ``ontick`` * ``error_onMarketUpdate``: Is called when an error happend when processing ``onMarketUpdate`` * ``error_onAccount``: Is called when an error happend when processing ``onAccount`` Simple Example -------------- .. code-block:: python class Simple(BaseStrategy): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) """ set call backs for events """ self.onOrderMatched += print self.onOrderPlaced += print self.onUpdateCallOrder += print self.onMarketUpdate += print self.ontick += print self.onAccount += print