DEXBot E-mail Reports ===================== DEXBot can send e-mail reports at regular intervals when its running in the background. Configuration Questions ----------------------- 1. Report frequency. You get several options of number of days up to a week. If you want a different timeframe look in `config.yml` for the `days` option under `reporter`, can be any integer number of days. If you select "Never" then no reports are sent at all. 2. Send to address The address to send reports to, must be in the traditional username@server format. 3. Send from address The address the DEXBot e-mails will appear to be from. By default DEXBot uses the name of the user it's running as, and the name of the server it's running on. (Note this default may not work depending on your setup, a lot of e-mail servers will check the sending server name is valid from its point of view). use the same e-mail as "send to" above if you are unsure. 4. SMTP Server. The hostname of the e-mail server to use. Blank means the local server (so this has to be setup). 5. SMTP Port. Traditionally this is always "25". Some public e-mail setups (such as Gmail) require you to use the "submission" port (587): check the documentation of the e-mail service you are trying to use. 6. Login Use if the SMTP server requires a login name (most public ones do, but an ISP-provided or local network one may not), otherwise leave blank. 7. Password If you need to provide a login then a password is usually required too. Reports ------- Reports have the subject "DEXBot Regular Report" and are HTML e-mails with a section for each bot, in each section the configuration values are quoted, then a graph is supplied by the bot. Mst trading bots will provide a graph of the base and quote account balances and the total value (hopefully going up). These graph lines are all in the "quote" unit, using the price at the end of the reporting period (so hopefully factoring out shifts in capital value and you can actually see the effect of the bots trading). Finally the log entries for each bot over the reporting period are supplied.