***** Setup ***** Requirements -- Linux --------------------- To run in the background you need systemd and *lingering* enabled:: sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER On some systems, such as the Raspberry Pi, you need to reboot for this to take effect. You need to have python3 installed, including the ``pip`` tool, and the development tools for C extensions, and the OpenSSL libraries. Plus for the easy configuration you need the ``whiptail`` command. On Ubuntu/Debian/Raspian ======================== Do:: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends gcc libssl-dev python3-pip python3-dev whiptail inetutils-ping On some Ubuntu systems, it will complain about missing packages: you first need to make sure you have the ``universe`` repository:: sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository universe NOTE: you *don't* need to upgrade the system: the issue here is about the *range* of packages available, not how new/old they are. Fedora ====== This has been tested on Fedora 27:: sudo yum install -y gcc openssl-devel python3-pip python3-devel newt Arch ==== As root, do:: pacman -S libnewt python-pip gcc Other Distros ============= On other distros you need to check the documentation for how to install these packages, the names should be very similar. Installation ------------ :: sudo -H pip3 install https://github.com/Codaone/DEXBot/archive/master.zip If you want the latest development version (which may not be tested at all), use git to download:: git clone git://github.com/ihaywood3/DEXBot/ cd DEXBot sudo -H pip3 install -e . Do not use the ``--user`` flag unless you understand its implications. pip3 may complain about wanting to upgrade: this can be ignored. Adding Keys ----------- It is important to *install* the private key of your bot's account into a local wallet. This can be done using ``uptick`` which is installed as a dependency of ``dexbot``:: uptick addkey ``uptick`` will ask you for a passphrase to protect private keys stored in its wallet. This has no relation to any passphrase used in the web wallet. You can get your private key from the BitShares Web Wallet: click the menu on the top right, then "Settings", "Accounts", "View keys", then tab "Owner Permissions", click on the public key, then "Show". Look for the private key in Wallet Import Format (WIF), it's a "5" followed by a long list of letters. Select, copy and paste this into the screen where uptick asks for the key. Check ``uptick`` successfully imported the key with:: uptick listaccounts Yes, this process is a pain but for security reasons this part probably won't ever be "easy". Configuration ------------- ``dexbot`` can be configured using:: dexbot-cli configure This will walk you through the configuration process. Read more about this in the :doc:`configuration`.