************* Wall Strategy ************* This strategy simply places a buy and a sell wall into a specific market using a specified account. Example Configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: yaml # BitShares end point node: "wss://node.bitshares.eu" # List of Bots bots: # Only a single Walls Bot Walls: # The Walls strategy module and class module: dexbot.strategies.walls bot: Walls # The market to serve market: HERO:BTS # The account to sue account: hero-market-maker # We shall bundle operations into a single transaction bundle: True # Test your conditions every x blocks test: blocks: 10 # Where the walls should be target: # They relate to the price feed reference: feed # There should be an offset offsets: buy: 2.5 sell: 2.5 # We'd like to use x amount of quote (here: HERO) # in the walls amount: buy: 5.0 sell: 5.0 # When the price moves by more than 2%, update the walls threshold: 2 Source Code ----------- .. literalinclude:: ../dexbot/strategies/walls.py :language: python :linenos: